Stirling Engine Analysis Software

Stirling Engine Analysis Software

A beneficial optimization tool for Stirling engines
Stirling Engine Analysis Software

Stirling Engine Analysis Software

A beneficial optimization tool for Stirling engines

Nlog is available for free

Software Version 1.8 is now available. If you are interested in field of Stirling machine research and want to use Nlog for free.

Nlog is free for academic Stirling engine researchers 

Attention: Attribution of this software name is essential for any usage for any kinds of research, design or manufacture etc. of Stirling cycle machines.

You need to have the following requirements to use the software:
* OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10  32Bit & 64Bit
* "MCR package 7.17 32Bit" installed on your computer. (If you have installed "Matlab Ver. 2012a" software, you won't be needing the "MCR package 7.17")
* Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher version.

After preparing the requirements and downloading, just unzip the file and run "Nlog.exe".
(In case you were using previous versions, you SHOULD overwrite ALL new files on previous ones, DON'T use two different versions on single PC.)

Enter your engine parameters into "Nlog_Specs.xls", set SessionStatus to zero and save the file. The software will begin the process (It takes about 5 to 30 minutes) and puts the results into "results" folder.

Note: Before running the software, make sure you have full administrator access on the machine

Note: After the first time of running a new version and you can send 'results' file to us to check if it is OK or not

Note: You can identify each error source according to ID letters inside the error code (“ERR”+Value+ID+Target) based on the table below

SP-> Connection to Nlog_Specs.xls file is lost

TM-> Simulation time is too short, so Nlog cannot reach to a stable solution

NU-> Formulation for calculation of Nusselt Number is out of range

P-> Gas pressure is estimated below the zero somewhere inside engine channels

M-> Gas mass is estimated below the zero somewhere inside engine channels

MR-> Set #MR to zero

FP-> You cannot set a free piston mechanism on your machine

BT-> You cannot set a free piston mechanism on your machine

D-> You cannot set Three-D-Plots to one

LI-> Initial condition error

LIS-> Initial condition error

DU-> Initial condition error - You can roughly estimate this initial condition and enter your estimation just in front of the error code and then press enter. Nlog retries the initialization process using your estimation. A good suggestion for the first initial condition can be "(-70*SQRT(5+(Value^1.5)))-Target" and for the second can be "(-70*SQRT(10+(Value^1.5)))-Target". It is important to enter the estimation precisely (include at least five decimal digits and consider the sign!).  If you encounter  more than two DU errors, contact us